
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Today's List

  • Rotisserie Chicken

yep... I guess that just about sums it up for the day...

We were very busy today!
  • Friends at the Museum!
  • Lunch with said friends, after the Museum, Chick-fil-a was a mad house!
  • Emergency trip to FedEx for our friend's next door! had to next day air her DL to her in Las Vegas!!!
  • Errands to the Pharmacy and the Dry Cleaners...
  • Meet the teacher night. Nice to meet you Mrs. Daulton!
  • Shopping at Wal-Mart, for much need groceries! Or so I think of every trip to Wal-Mart!

And so starts tomorrow and the fun we shall have shopping on tax free weekend! YAY!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bad Cartoons and Gratitude!

I need to rant for just a moment here! I was only going to post my gratitude list tonight, but then I remembered that I have been wanting to gripe about something for awhile now!

Some kid's cartoons are so stupid! Not that they don't give a good lesson or whatever, I guess it's just the voices or something. I CANNOT stand Max and Ruby... To me Ruby is just a bossy big sister. There is nothing interesting about the show! And it cannot even keep Elliot's or Emms's attention.

And the other one I CANNOT stand is Ni Hao Kai Lan. That shoe just irritates every nerve in my body! And for this one, I really have no reason... I just find it incredibly annoying!!!

And if Nickelodeon plays that song about bananas by the Fresh Beat Band 0ne more time, I might have to gouge my eyeballs out with spoon!!!!!

Things I'm grateful for:
  • being able to use leftover bananas for banana bread!
  • Karyn's Mom, for giving me her AWESOME banana bread recipe!
  • relaxing at the end of the day
  • my own courage! I'm stronger than I give myself credit for!!!
  • Omega-3 in Gummy Bear form! Yay!!! I hate fish!!!
  • the smell of clean laundry
  • this beautiful day that was given to all of us!
  • new friends that love me and make me feel wanted!
  • old friends that have always loved me and made me feel wanted!

Yay for Photograpy Class!

This is going to be a short one... but after I blogged last night about the photography class I wanted to take, I decided, "no time better than the present." So I surfed on over to our Continuing Ed site and signed up!

So for my friends that get to see all the pictures I post on FB, hopeful, you will soon be seeing some better quality photos coming your way! by October's end I might just have to go pro... NOT!!! But you will be seeing LOADS more pictures of my beautiful girls!!!


Monday, August 17, 2009

Yep I'm still Grateful!

Things I'm grateful for:
  • Pei Wei - not because I think it's great... I used to like it because it reminded me of P.F. Changs... But now it's just sub-par... So I'm grateful for Pei Wei reminding me that there is real food out there, and they don't serve it!
  • TEXT MESSAGES!!! I'm not sure if I have listed this before, but it should have been on my list LONG ago! I LOVE TEXTING!
  • My Neurologist, Dr. Tesfa! He's the only doctor I haven't "dumped" since we moved to the Metroplex! He's great, he really listens, and HE BELIEVES ME!!!!
  • Digital Cameras!!! I'm sure most of you know I AM THE "MAMA"RAZZI!!! (I'm pretty sure I coined that word! I should get a trademark or patent or something!) I love taking pictures, and I LOVE taking pictures of my girls!!! I'm thinking about taking some photography classes this fall!
  • The 64 acres we share with Cameron's sisters! We are so lucky that we get to live out here and raise our family in such a wonderful place!
  • Cameron's sisters for their generosity!
  • Sweet Potatoes, which I plan to blog about tomorrow, or soon!!! They aren't just for Thanksgiving!
  • Magazines!
  • Plastic Surgery... I haven't had any (yet), but I'm grateful for those surgeons who make ugly people prettier every day!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Things I'm Grateful for:
  • Kids that can climb trees without breaking their limbs. (knock on wood)
  • Elliot's nap time.
  • My Mom's delicious cooking! Breakfast was yum!
  • Christopher's christening today. May he always be blessed!
  • Cameron getting off work early this afternoon.
  • My health!
  • Good neighbors!
I'm keeping in brief for now... Nothing really on my mind, but I was thinking of a few things that I was grateful, so what time better than the present to get things done!

I have a few things on my To Do list that I haven't even started, but that is okay. I have a plan for dinner, and I have a semi-clean house and kitchen! Can't really complain about that!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I think I've been lost...

****Here's my disclaimer: I spell check half-heartedly, and I don't proofread! So take it our leave it... some times my fingers work faster than my head! ;o)****

I've been feeling a bit under the weather the past few days... for reasons that are rather complicated and I'd rather not go into in great detail... But I was checking out the blogs I like to read and then I started looking back through mine a bit...

It occurred to me that I was doing much better when I was keeping my gratitude journal on my blog! It was keeping me accountable for my own happiness! Not that I am unhappy, but happier is never a BAD thing!!!

I must also note, that I do feel much better today! Of course that could have something to do with feeling some relief since my Mom arrived to help hold down the fort while I get my wellness all "weller'! (cute! I love made up words!)

***aside *** Speaking of made up words... My Friend Lacey commented on my FB the other day, when I said I was feeling like Poop that she hoped I felt less "poop-ish" very soon! That really made my day! Put a big smile on my face! Sometimes it is little things like that, that can really make a difference in someones day! Anyway, I'm Glad I'm not the only word-maker-upper! And thanks to Lacey for the free smile! It was worth a million!!! ;o) ***end aside***

So as I was looking back through my blog, I realized that I had lost accountability for my gratitude and my blog in general. Blogging does something for my soul! I like putting my thought and feelings out there for other to read. I like interacting with people who are going through the same things I am.

And you know what!!!!! SOMETIMES, I might write things that are only of interest to me, but that is okay! Because if they were on my heart either as a burden or a joy, then they were worth sharing! In accordance with my wellness! I need to let it out! Release it into the wild of cyberspace and let my heart feel better! I need to be WELL!!!! WELLER even!!! LOL!!!

So I've decided that if I have a cheesy online something or other that I just want to put out there, then I will!!!! And I am going to put a lot more effort into blogging my gratitude more often! I'm going to start modest and say twice a week, but I really do need to do it every day... I think part of my problem before was that I never want to say the same thing twice, but who cares if I'm grateful for the same thing twice a week! It's mine to be grateful for and if I feel the need to list it twice maybe there is a reason for it!!! You know like at greater power in the universe trying to point something out to me or something...

Here I go then.... Things I am GRATEFUL FOR:
  • My Mom being able to come down and help me out with the kiddos this weekend, so I can get a little rest with less guilt!
  • My Husband for being such a hard worker, to not only give our family the things that we need but the things that we want as well!
  • The wonderful vacation to Destin we just got back from! The beach was PERFECT!!!!
  • Emma being such a GREAT big sister and helping me!
  • Emma for always being honest with me, and sincerely caring for my health and well being!
  • The Blend radio station on Sirius XM!!!!
  • My Nespresso Machine and the delicious coffee it provides me with!
  • Hazelnut Creamer!!! I use so much I don't even have to add any sweetener!!!
  • Finding Great friends and Family on FB!
  • My Mom!!!! for just being my Mom! I'm so glad I have her and I love her very much!!!

Okay... so see that wasn't so hard... I didn't even have to think, in order to come up with any... as a matter of fact I probably could go on and on at the moment! Let us all remember that life is GOOD! Each day is a Gift that should be cherished!!