
Monday, January 10, 2011

Super to the Resuce

Elliot runs around the house yelling, "Super to the rescue," multiple times a day. For a while, I've thought she was talking about a made-up super hero, her sister created for her, Super Hiney. One day, Elliot was dressed up in Emma's old Snow White costume cape and a diaper, (and yes, that's all she was wearing) and Emma told her she was Super Hiney. It's funny because Elliot runs around the house also yelling, "SUPER HINEY," at the top of her lungs.

Elliot dressed as Super Hiney! 

So, as I was saying, I thought she was making a reference to Super Hiney, but then I was humming one of the incessant children's TV show songs that are always stuck in my head, and I realized that it was from a cartoon. After quizzing Emma a bit, because I seriously think that kid knows everything, I sang the song to her, thinking the whole time it was Wonder Pets, and she was like, "No Mom," in her pre-teen Moms-know-nothing voice, "that's Rescue Pack, form Go Diego, Go." I still really don't have any idea of where it comes into play with the show, but I sure can sing the tune for you. I really try not to watch the cartoons, but I cannot block out their noise.

It all makes sense now. Elliot will run to do something and yell, "Super to the rescue," and I'm guessing, in her little three year old imagination, she is going to help someone/something out. It's kinda cute that she wants to be a helper and she is still young. I definitely think that she has learned some important lessons from a few of the shows she watches. However, I stand my ground, on my opinion, that Olivia only teaches kids how to be a brat and smart off, but I guess all cannot be perfect! ;o)

I love my little Super Hiney! And my pre-teen, that will be rolling her eyes at me any day now!

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