I was in our bedroom at the time, and when I heard her scream I knew something was broken. I could just feel it in the pit of my stomach. Cameron and I met in the kitchen, he was holding Elliot, and she was crying so pitifully. I immediately wanted to leave for the emergency room, but Cameron thought we should wait. That last about 58 seconds and I decided I was going to the ER with or without him.
We went to our home town ER, and to make a long story a little shorter, and they found nothing. Yes, after six hours in the ER and two sets of x-rays, they found NOTHING! We were sent home with an ice pack and instruction for providing ibuprofen. Really???
We got home in the wee hours of Thanksgiving morning. (around 2 a.m. to be exact). Cameron nor I slept well those few hours between our arrival home and our departure for the REAL ER. Elliot was exhausted and in pain, so she did fall asleep, but I'm sure it wasn't restful. Around 6:45 Thanksgiving morning Elliot woke up crying. I had already decided in my restlessness that as soon as she awoke we were headed to Cook's Children's in Fort Worth. The family hastily got dressed and headed out the door.
We checked into the ER around 8, and were back in a room immediately. By 10 the x-rays were done and the ER doctor informed us that Elliot had a fracture in her talus bone. (click the hyperlink to learn where the Talus bone is located.)
Apparently, this fracture is not common in children, so the orthopedic team was called in to consult. After much discussion and many hours in the ER, they finally decided they would put her in a full leg cast under anesthesia, while in live x-ray, so the reduction (or putting the bone pieces back together) would be precise.
Elliot was in the O.R. for about an hour and came out from her anesthesia like a champ. She really did a great job and was such a brave little girl. She enjoyed two Popsicles while in the recovery room and was quite entertaining, insisting that she hold her own Popsicle in her anesthesia-drunk state.
Her first cast was pink.
In recovery eating one of her Popsicles.
Her second cast was red and green for Christmas. Most of it is covered up in this picture, but you can see the foot is striped red and green like a candy cane. The entire cast is that way.
Today we went to see the Orthopedic Pediatrician for our four week check up. They decided to remove her cast to do the x-ray as to get a good view of the bone. All is well and Elliot's talus bone is "filling in" beautifully. We now have a short cast that allows her to bend her knee. I think she's pretty happy about that! ;o)
Her new cast is purple and will likely be her last for this fracture.
She was being silly and playing with her sock while I was trying to get this picture.
And yes, I did say, "her last cast for THIS fracture.". I have a feeling that she is going to be my daredevil child. Wish me luck!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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