I really cannot believe that Chassis wandered away from the house... I'm hating myself, for not watching her more closely... And moreover, for breaking my sweet Sarah's heart. What a horrible thing to come back from vacation to discover. The one thing you love most (well, almost most...) is gone.
I keep thinking there has to be more I can do, but I am at a lose. I posted signs, I knocked on doors, I've called the E.R. Vets and left messages with all the Vets in town that have answering machines, as well as the Weatherford Animal Shelter. I've posted lost dog ads with the SPCA, Fidofinder, LostPet, and many others... The FB campaign seems to be going well. I know people are looking at the post. But it just doesn't seem like I've done enough.
I know I'm awake right now, worrying about poor Chassis, and hoping that someone, loving, has her safe in their home, and just hasn't called yet. I can't even imagine how Sarah must feel. She is without the one thing that has been a constant in her life for the past 7 years...
Tomorrow, after I take Emma to school, I am going to call all the Vets and the Shelter again, to see if any of them have her. I also got a recommendation to actually go to the shelter, since the employees at such places are not always the most reliable individuals...
I just really wish this had not happened... as I'm sure Sarah does as well... I can't really imagine life without Chassis... I know someone must have her... I just hope that they bring her home!!!!!!!!!!
Chassis wrapped up in a blanket sleeping, letting me craddle her like a baby...
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