
Friday, May 6, 2011

C&K - How we met!

I first saw Cameron in a Sociology class we were both taking at Midwestern State University in the Spring of 2000.  He sat in front of me, and my first impression was that he was a cocky know-it-all. (I wasn't too far off! LOL!)  I paid little attention to him at the time since I was in a relationship and had an infant daughter I was taking care of, in addition to, my full course load and part-time job.

My "fairytale" relationship ended in April, shortly after my daughter's first birthday and I spent many mornings in the class I shared with Cameron crying to my girlfriend about how horrible my life was.  And it was pretty bad, but in hindsight, not more than I could handle. (Cameron told me many years later that he used to get so annoyed with my crying in class! LOL!)

As a result of my break up, I spent more time trying to get to know people in my classes.  I spent a lot of time finding new study partners, as I knew that I need to concentrate on something other than my break-up.  I also knew it was more important than ever, now, that I finished my bachelor's degree, so I could provide for my daughter.

Cameron and I got together to study for a test with some people from class. He still seemed cocky and he still seemed like a know-it-all, but in a likable kind of way.  He was intelligent and seemed to have a level head on his shoulders.  As we went into May and finals were approaching and the semester was ending, I was developing a crush on my new study partner. 

After class one day, before finals, Cameron was waiting for me at the exit, I thought for sure he was going to ask me out on a date. Ummm... NO.  That is not what happened. LOL! I can laugh now, but I'm sure I was more than heartbroken then that he was waiting after class, not to ask me out on a date, but to inquire as to whether or not one of my other girlfriends had a boyfriend, and if she would be interested in possibly going out with him.

I very clearly remember thinking this was so THIRD GRADE! I was not impressed, and in my hurt and disappointment I told him that he would have to talk to her, if he wanted to go out with her.  Including by giving him as little helpful tidbits about her as possible.  Cameron did end up asking my friend out on a date and they went out once before she left to go for a summer abroad program in Mexico for the first half of the summer term.  

I had also made friends with Cameron's roommate, Jason, in a different Sociology class during that spring semester in 2000.  Jason was lighthearted and really helped keep my mind off my problems.  He also, inadvertently, kept me close to Cameron.  Obviously, since they lived together, they did things together, so if I saw one, I often saw the other.

Cameron asked me several times in May about my girlfriend who was studying in Mexico.  I had decided if I ever did decide to date him, I needed to make sure that he was not still crushing on my friend and that my friend didn't want to date him.  Who wants sloppy seconds! ;o)  I started kind of being the go-between with Cameron and my friend.  Unfortunately, my friend didn't really like Cameron in a boyfriend/girlfriend kind of way, so after date one, she was more or less done with him.  She did a good job avoiding his calls and emails until she left for Mexico, and then while she was in Mexico she conveniently didn't have very good Internet access.  I encouraged Cameron to keep in touch with my friend and to just be patient until she came back from Mexico.  After all, if I thought he might be good enough for me, he would surely be a good catch for my friend.

When first summer term started in 2000 I had a Sociology classes with Cameron and Jason.  Yay Me!!!  We spent time studying together and getting to know one another better.  Cameron was still trying to win over my girlfriend, and I had been placed firmly into the friend category. Ouch! ;o)  I'm not sure at what point I shared the fact that I was a single Mom; working, going to school, and trying my best not to go crazy, but I know that if there is anything that can put you into the friend category with a guy faster than, "I have a kid," I don't know what it is.

My girlfriend returned from her summer abroad in Mexico, and she couldn't avoid Cameron any longer. I'm not sure what transpired exactly, but Cameron stopped pursuing her and started spending more time "studying" with me. And by studying I mean, spending loads of time with me in the library talking about all kinds of things, but none of them were related to our classes.  I can now see that the library was a safety net for Cameron.  He needed to really know me as a person and know that he would be interested in me in a long term relationship before choosing to get involved with someone who had a child.

I absolutely appreciate the time he took getting to know me and making sure that he was making the right decision for himself before taking on such a huge responsibility.  Dating someone who has a child is serious, and one should not partake in it lightly.  I knew before I ever dated anyone after my daughter's biological father left, that I did not want to be parading different guys in and out of her life.  That is not healthy, and it was never my intention for there to be any other man in her life other that her biological father.  But we all know what they say about intentions. sigh... 

One day after class, during second summer term 2000, I had a flat tire. SCORE!  What a great opportunity to play the damsel in distress and get Cameron to help me fix my tire.  And by help me, I mean, change it for me.  [I swear I did not slice my own tire intentionally! ;o)]  I waited for Cameron after his class and told him my sob-story.  Being the guys-guy he is, he was totally prepared to fix my flat and "saved the day."  For me, his willingness to help was a sign that he was softening to a potential relationship between the two of us, but in reality he's just a really good guy that would/will help anyone who needs it.

As August came and second summer term ended and we were waiting for fall semester to start, Cameron and I started hanging out somewhere other than the library. Holy Moly! Baby steps, right?!?!  We had this little thing where one of us would buy a pizza from Pappa John's and the other would rent a movie.  And we took turns like that, almost nightly, for several weeks.  This was the most practical "date" we could have since I had a daughter I did not want to be abandoning to go out and hang out with friends or out dating. (not that I didn't go out, but it was not my first choice)

It was, again, another great opportunity for Cameron and I to progress our relationship.  Our movie "date" nights could not have screamed we're-just-friends anymore than they did!  We sat on the couch next to each other in my little apartment and watched our favorite movies with each other.  We talked about the movie's plots and pretended (LOL!!!) to like the others movie choice for the night.  

After a few weeks of our movie nights, FINALLY!!!!, came the first kiss.  It was LATE one night. We had probably watched three movies that night. We were on our last movie for the night.  I looked up at him to see if he was paying attention to my movie choice that night, Biloxi Blues, and as they say, the rest is history.

I can honestly say that Cameron and I had a firm base to start our relationship on.  We had really gotten to know each other as people.  It's hard to believe that we meet 11 years ago. And this month, May 2011, we will have been married for T-E-N (10) years!!!  I am so lucky he chose me and so grateful to God for having such a wonderful plan for me! ;o) 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

No, No, No...

Elliot was looking at one of her little beginner's Bible books this afternoon, while I was sitting outside reading a book of my own.  She often talks to herself as she plays and goes about her activities.  Mostly, I tune her out because she isn't really talking to me to begin with.  But this afternoon she was being very serious and shaking her little finger at the book.  So, I started to pay a little closer attention to what she was doing.  She had the book open to the story of Adam and Eve.  She was saying, "No, No, No, don't eat that fruit."  I cracked up laughing.  It's good to know she is actually paying attention when we are reading to her or she is receiving a lesson in Sunday school! ;o)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chicken Cups

The other day while driving somewhere in the truck, Elliot told me she was thirsty and wanted a drink, specifically, some sweet tea.  When I told her we didn't have any sweet tea and she would have to wait, she pointed at my cup in the front cup holder and said there's a chicken cup right there for me.  It was my Chicken Express cup (the place where we often get sweet tea) but my cup didn't have sweet tea in it that day.  I had just recycled the cup, and I had grape Kool-aid in it.  She was very disappointed when I offered her my grape Kool-aid, and she had to accept the fact that my "chicken cup" did not, indeed, have sweet tea in it.

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Elliot tried mint chocolate chip ice cream for the first time tonight. She said, "It's toothpaste and chocolate."

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's a Doctor Truck

Elliot calls ambulances, doctor truck.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I love...

to dip buttered toast in chocolate milk! ;o)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Big Girl Panties

After 3 years, 3 months and 3 1/2 weeks of diaper changes, we've had our first full day of big girl panties, with NO accidents!!! So excited I might just pee my pants! Lol! ;o)

I know our potty training road hasn't ended, but we made a really big step forward today!!! Yay, Elliot!!! You go girl.... Straight to the potty to pee pee and poopy! ;o) (pun totally intended!!!)

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Rock It with BP

Win a FREE photo shoot / afternoon with Bella Pop! So here’s the deal… we are super excited about our new beginner photography classes and workshops at Rock it! With BP. That being said we really need YOUR help, our blog readers. We need you to help us spread the word about these beginner photography classes so we can reach people who want to learn to rock their cameras. And since you’re so ah-mazing… we want to give something amazing in return. So here it is!!

THE CONTEST: **One lucky person will be selected by random to spend a fun afternoon with us. You’ll get a personal ROCK STAR photo shoot on-location in Fort Worth (to show off your amazing self!!) and we’ll treat you to lunch (or dinner) where we can talk about photography/why Brandy makes random chicken noises/the business/rainbows/Brandon’s aversion to bananas or pretty much anything that rocks your boat!! OH, and we’re throwing in a **high res cd w/printable images** to boot! Everyone is eligible (our family, friends, photographers, our BFFs, wedding vendors, clients, everyone!)

Contest sounds like fun! I love photography, photographs and creativeness! What better way to spend the day than with to creative minds discussing ideas! ;o)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Not Everyone Has a Dime

Be warned: This post contains potty talk.

As many of you know, Elliot swallowed a dime a few months ago. After a trip to the E.R. and 24 hours of waiting, the dime cleared her system with no complications.

We've been working hard trying to get her potty trained, but like many kiddos she has issue in the poopy department. I adopted the habit of letting her follow me into the restroom whenever she wants to, so she can see how "big" girls use the potty.

As usual, this morning Elliot followed me to the bathroom, and we had our usual "big" girls use the potty when they need to pee pee or poopy, and babies use a diaper talk. But today Elliot cracked me up with an addition to our conversation.

She asked me, "You put your pee pee in there?"
"Yes," I responded.
Followed by "You put your poopy in there?"
Again, I told her yes.
Finally, she looks in the potty, and says, "You put your dime in there?"

After I was able to stop laughing, I told her that I didn't eat a dime, so there would be no dime in the potty. Quickly followed by a you-don't-eat-dimes-either conversation! She is still completely fascinated that she ate a dime. I'm so worried she will do it again becaue she thinks it's fun/neat.

Praying for no "monies" in the potty! :o)

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Friend

We made a new friend today.

Actually, I shouldn't say we. Mostly just Emma! ;o) ~~ Have I mentioned I don't really like lizard/snake/frog things before? If not, consider this your notice!

This is our new friend. Emma named him Jeremy. (I have no clue where the name came from.)

Of course, Elliot wanted to have a turn holding the lizard, but I font think she liked it very much. You can see on her face that she's concerned!

I think Emma wanted to keep Jeremy forever, but I'm not big on inside pets, so we had to let the lizard go. Emma wasn't too sad though! She'll always have her memories! ;o)

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Scrub My Back

I've been told by Cameron and his sisters that their beloved mother, Beverly, would spend all the time they wanted rubbing on them and petting them and just loving on them, in general.

I can attest that my husband was definitely one of Beverly's children, because the man wants to be touch ALL THE TIME! Rub my back, rub my neck, pet my arm, hold my hand, the list just goes on and on. It's easy for me to oblige because I am a petter. I love to run my hands over Cameron's bristly military style hair cut. I love to pet his face and neck. I just like to touch him, in general. The funny thing is that I HATE being petted or rub or touched, for the most part. It's like we're polar opposites, which works out well since many men tend to not be toucher/petter types.

Anyway, back to my story. By matter of self confession, both of Cameron's sisters say they are both greedy and needy of that physical contact as well. Proving that they too are the offspring of Beverly Huggins! ;o) (as if there was ever any question!)

Well, as it turns out, this whole I-love-to-be-touched, I-must-be-touched- thing might have a genetic link to it.

Elliot and I sit together often and lounge around in bed or on the couch during quiet time in the afternoon. I always gently stroke her hair or face. Or I will pet her arm or back. Then I noticed a couple of weeks ago that she seemed to be prepping for her petting /loving time. Rotating her little body just right, towards me so I can easily reach her back.

So a couple of days ago I decided to try something... I didn't touch her. I sat with her, but I did not pet her in any way. Eventually, she started to wiggle around trying to get my attention, but after continued attempts and being ignored she finally said to me, "Scrub me, Momma." meaning she wants her back rubbed.

I immediately complied with her cute little demand and gave her a little scrub until she drifted off into quiet time.

So many precious things they say and I don't want to forget even one!!! But I know I've already missed hundreds! Tear!!

Location:Weatherford,United States

Chicken "Kook" (aka coop)

Elliot LOVES our chickens. She wants to see them everyday, and still, after several months of having them, she gets so excited to go out and get the eggs. Just watching her joy and happiness, with the silly birds, makes their mess and expense worth it!!!

Every morning after we get up and get dressed she asks if we can go outside. Immediately after getting out side, she looks at me with the most precious, excited face and asks, "Can I get eggs, Momma?"

She'll run out to the coop, full speed, and check for the eggs. We've gotten her a little basket, which she uses to collect the four or five eggs we get everyday. After she has retrieved the eggs from the nesting box she'll run back to me and announce, "I got eggs from the chicken kook!" (pronounced just like coop but with a "k" sound at the end) It is so cute to hear her mispronounce the word everyday.

She really loves the chickens. I think they are the best pets a family could have for small children! ;o)

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Location:Weatherford,United States

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Worth Living

I adore my children as every mother should. I think because I was so young when I had Emma and my life was so chaotic then, I didn't enjoy as many of life's little moments with her. It makes me a little sad. But I try not to dwell. I also think it makes me cherish the moments I have with Elliot a lot more. Elliot and I fell asleep in the recliner by the fire a while back and Emma took these pictures of us. What a sweet and wonderful girl, my Emma is! Thank you Emma for preserving this moment for me and Elliot!

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Location:The Compound

Too Much Pink?

NEVER!!!! ;o)

Cameron's Dad, Richard, bought Elliot a little pink Radio Flyer tricycle for her birthday. We were hoping to get the red one in the event that we have another child and it is a boy, we would be able to pass it down. But alas, we have a pink one and the odds seem to be on getting another girl anyway, so I'm sure it will all work out in the end.

Anyway, since Elliot's birthday is in November and most of the days have been cold since then we've mostly just been letting her ride it in the house. [thank goodness for wood floors! ;) ] but with the nice weather over the last two weeks we've moved or daily life outdoors and that includes the pink trike too!

You don't really think about all of the pink one little girl has until you see her on her pink trike in a pink dress, pink bow abandoned somewhere in the yard, as well as the pink flip flops left on the trampoline. One might ask, "Too much pink?" And our response will forever be "NEVER!!!"

Momma's Always Right!

Last Sunday we had dinner with all of our wonderful family at my sister Sarah's house. It was great to see everyone and have a chance to share a meal and enjoy each others company.

It had been warm most of last week, unseasonably warm for February, and on Sunday evening the weather was great again. But it's STILL February! Emma had been chattering all week about swimming at Aunt Sarah's house. Sarah and I both told her many times that while the days may feel warm, the pool would still be like ice. Never mind the fact that we were there for dinner, making it evening, and thus cooler anyway.

There are some things that children just need to learn on their own, and I believe this falls into that category, Sarah kindly found a swimsuit for Emma, and Emma was ready to dive in!

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Location:Arlington, Texas

Bored, Bored or Both

Cameron has been modifying one of his little 50 cc motorcycles. Don't ask me what he's doing to it exactly, because to be quite honest, I only half listen. [and only completely don't care! ;o)] A few weeks ago he sent the engine block to some guy, so he could have it bored. Which I do know means he made part of the block larger, but it's purpose beyond that, I have not a clue. Anyway, on Thursday we received the block back in the mail and Cameron was inspecting the work, at the table, after dinner.

Elliot was immediately interested and went over to watch her Daddy. Unprovoked and out of the blue, she tells Cameron, "It's so pretty!" Her voice was so sincere and excited, you knew she was speaking honestly and from her little confused heart! ;o)

As I watched Elliot interacting with her Daddy, I could see the joy in his face. His heart was melting for this little girl that seems to share his love for all things wheeled, motored, and dangerous!

Here's a picture of the two of them with the "pretty" engine block.

I'm sure I mentioned before that I have a feeling we will be making many, many ER visits with our youngest girl! ;o)

Lord help me!!!

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