****Here's my disclaimer: I spell check half-heartedly, and I don't proofread! So take it our leave it... some times my fingers work faster than my head! ;o)****
I've been feeling a bit under the weather the past few days... for reasons that are rather complicated and I'd rather not go into in great detail... But I was checking out the blogs I like to read and then I started looking back through mine a bit...
It occurred to me that I was doing much better when I was keeping my gratitude journal on my blog! It was keeping me accountable for my own happiness! Not that I am unhappy, but happier is never a BAD thing!!!
I must also note, that I do feel much better today! Of course that could have something to do with feeling some relief since my Mom arrived to help hold down the fort while I get my wellness all "weller'! (cute! I love made up words!)
***aside *** Speaking of made up words... My Friend Lacey commented on my FB the other day, when I said I was feeling like Poop that she hoped I felt less "poop-ish" very soon! That really made my day! Put a big smile on my face! Sometimes it is little things like that, that can really make a difference in someones day! Anyway, I'm Glad I'm not the only word-maker-upper! And thanks to Lacey for the free smile! It was worth a million!!! ;o) ***end aside***
So as I was looking back through my blog, I realized that I had lost accountability for my gratitude and my blog in general. Blogging does something for my soul! I like putting my thought and feelings out there for other to read. I like interacting with people who are going through the same things I am.
And you know what!!!!! SOMETIMES, I might write things that are only of interest to me, but that is okay! Because if they were on my heart either as a burden or a joy, then they were worth sharing! In accordance with my wellness! I need to let it out! Release it into the wild of cyberspace and let my heart feel better! I need to be WELL!!!! WELLER even!!! LOL!!!
So I've decided that if I have a cheesy online something or other that I just want to put out there, then I will!!!! And I am going to put a lot more effort into blogging my gratitude more often! I'm going to start modest and say twice a week, but I really do need to do it every day... I think part of my problem before was that I never want to say the same thing twice, but who cares if I'm grateful for the same thing twice a week! It's mine to be grateful for and if I feel the need to list it twice maybe there is a reason for it!!! You know like at greater power in the universe trying to point something out to me or something...
Here I go then.... Things I am GRATEFUL FOR:
- My Mom being able to come down and help me out with the kiddos this weekend, so I can get a little rest with less guilt!
- My Husband for being such a hard worker, to not only give our family the things that we need but the things that we want as well!
- The wonderful vacation to Destin we just got back from! The beach was PERFECT!!!!
- Emma being such a GREAT big sister and helping me!
- Emma for always being honest with me, and sincerely caring for my health and well being!
- The Blend radio station on Sirius XM!!!!
- My Nespresso Machine and the delicious coffee it provides me with!
- Hazelnut Creamer!!! I use so much I don't even have to add any sweetener!!!
- Finding Great friends and Family on FB!
- My Mom!!!! for just being my Mom! I'm so glad I have her and I love her very much!!!
Okay... so see that wasn't so hard... I didn't even have to think, in order to come up with any... as a matter of fact I probably could go on and on at the moment! Let us all remember that life is GOOD! Each day is a Gift that should be cherished!!